Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Statistical Investment facts to ponder

There are many divergent facts that swirl around the investment world. Many of them are useful to spot trends while some are just smoke masking the reality. It is always useful to look at these stats / facts before forming your own decision. As Joe-Friday said, “just-the-facts,-only –the facts.”

----Only 54 percent of American adults own stock market investments in 2014 versus 67 percent in 2000 per a “Gallup” poll.

----401K participation of eligible adults is 80% but this stat masks the fact that many small company and minimum wage service employees simply aren’t eligible.

----The Society of Actuaries currently estimates that the average 65 year old man will live to 86.6 years, up from 84.6 years. The average woman will live to 88.8 years old, up from 86.4 years. Are you ready for more?

----The average US investor realized a 3.69% average, yearly gain for the last 30 years.

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