Friday, November 28, 2014

Investment Philosophy:
An investor should view the world through an investment prism. Famously, the ridiculously successful manager of Fidelity’s Magellan fund back in the day made many big-bet investments based on his or his wife’s market observations. To that end be always curious about companies and products. Of course you'll need to form your own sort of investment philosophy. My own is “It’s better to make more money than to spend less.” What that means is that by concentrating on improving your personal “rate of return” you'll enjoy a much better life than if you set out to cut your spending. It’s simplistic but concise. If it doesn’t work for you formulate your own and make it part of your decision tree. As that famous “Financial Philosopher” Sponge-Bob stated so well, “no-money-is-no-good.”

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