Friday, November 7, 2014

Well here we are embarking on an effort to jointly find our way through the thicket of Stock Market noise. I consider myself a relatively experienced investor. I’ve been retired for well over 16 years without a pension and lived a very good life on my investment results. Our nest-egg has increased each year of our retirement in spite of robust spending. Oh, to be sure there were many mistakes made but mistakes are a learning experience for us all. Through these many years I’ve somewhat formulated a philosophy that lets me sleep at night while invested in the market. I have no agenda and nothing for sale as we begin this Journey. In my other life I was a Director of Logistics for a US company with a main plant in the US and auxiliary plants in Germany, Belgium and England. I have a lifelong interest in Antique cars and at present have an eclectic mix ranging from Corvette to Studebaker. With my first and only Wife I split my time between our homes in South Florida and Upstate New York. We enjoy our nine Grandkids that range in age from 20 to 1 ½ years old. In short I think of myself as “everyman”. I’ve discovered that the US Stock Market most resembles a teenage Girl who has discovered she has a Zit; there is huge drama over “things” that mean little over the long haul. I faithfully read the Wall Street Journal and the Economist. When I watch CNBC I mute the sound as I’ve found that their commentators job is to attract viewers not inform them and Bad news attracts eyeballs to their station. Everything they say is coached as exciting news yet they are completely prohibited from really advising the investor class. CNBC is Stock Market noise. I will periodically provide the “Gentle” reader with some recommendations and be forewarned that they usually will be picked by my main criteria, Capital Preservation. It goes without saying that I welcome comment either positive or negative since it’s always the case that dialog increases knowledge. It’s always the case that as you explain something to another you yourself gain a greater understanding of the subject. Murray

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